it's Paul
The Senior Frontend Developer you need!

who am I?
- A Senior Frontend Developer at Evri (old Hermes) .
- Huge Vue.js enthusiast and advocate.
in more details
In 2017 I chose to follow my passion and become a programmer. After a rough start - coding late at night while still working full time - I've decided to dedicate myself to programming.
Since then, I have strived to perfect my coding skills by educating myself towards creating clean, easy to enlargement code. I gathered enough experience in front end development to be a valuable employee and make the web a beautiful place with every line of code.
- Name: Paul Ozyzniewski
- Town: Barnsley
what am I good at?
Tell me and I forget,
- Benjamin Franklin
teach me and I may remember,
involve me and I learn
skills and technologies
All my experience comes from hard work, practice, hours spent on reading technical docs and many sleepless nights.
My main focus is to provide high-quality code that implements the newest standards while remembering about good practices
Collection of my recent design and development work. I am constantly working on new projects so this list will soon be expanded.
Portfolio Projects List
- 2020
The official Gridsome Starter Kit
Design & Development - Vue.js (Gridsome), GSAP
- 2019
Dude is this another TODO list?
Design & Development - Vue.js (Vuetify, Vuex, VueRouter), Firebase
- 2018
Bootstrap 4 Challenge
Development - HTML5, CSS3, SASS, JavaScript, Bootstrap, Jekyll, Gulp, Git
how to contact me?
Contact me if you are looking for talented and hard working Senior Frontend Developer!